It has been my experience that many yogis are seekers and travelers. In almost every single class, one or two of you share with me the details of your next trip or the fantastic trip you just came home from. I also love to travel and absolutely love trying yoga in a new place when I do. One of the main reasons I do may surprise you, it’s not just to keep up my practice while I’m away, but to continue my growth and evolution as my best me.
Trying yoga in new places when I travel breaks me out of the comfort zone that I frequently love staying in. I have long struggled to not be the girl that puts her mat in the exact same place in every single class (glaring at the person that unknowingly took my spot). Many of us do this because we are too nervous or intimidated to try the other side of the room, i.e. try something new. But here’s what I have recently learned…. “new” doesn’t have to be scary or bad, it can simply be new. I have found trying a new studio while on vaca to be liberating because it has made me feel free to try out a new spot anonymously and see how it goes. I have left the studio feeling brave and amazing and perhaps you will too.
Trying studios in other states or countries has also allowed me to meet new yogi friends. We all know that our vibe attracts our tribe. How fun, healing and beneficial is it to be in a room full of blissed out yogis while you are already bathing in the bliss of your own vacation? Meeting new yogis while traveling can be like meeting a good friend that you didn’t even know you had. Plus let’s be honest, traveling can be demanding and depleting. Coming together in a room full of yogis interested in feeling good, breathing it out and letting it go can be healing and fortifying.
Ready to try yoga on your next trip? Here are a few tips:
Be open, have fun and then be super proud of yourself for extending your practice outside the confines of your own comfort zone.
Travel safe and often.
Namaste ~Sherry